The Polish cryptocurrency community is still excited about the event where Xgrosz - one of the most famous (and so far mysterious) creators in the crypto industry - showed his face publicly for the first time. This took place at the CryptoSilesia conference in Katowice, Poland, where Filip from Bitcoin conducted an extended interview with him as part of the "I heard under Bitcoin ATM" series.
In this article we introduce you to:
Below you will find a video of the interview:
Although Xgrosz began contributing to the cryptocurrency world even before 2017, it was only around the boom of 2017-2018 that he became more widely recognized in the Polish crypto community. Tens of thousands of people interested in blockchain and investment in digital assets came into contact with his YouTube channel.
Even in older posts and videos, Xgrosz has always said that cryptocurrencies are not a quick way to get rich, but an area that requires patience and a solid understanding of the technology. In his view:
The biggest mystery so far has been the fact that Xgrosz has never revealed his identity - in the recordings he usually showed only his voice, the screen, and possibly the presentation. He himself explained this by reasons of privacy and a desire for the content to remain the most important. He made the decision to reveal himself only now:
Filip (Bitcoin
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with undisguised pride that I would like to introduce our special guest on the Bit X wall. Good morning!
Good evening!
We met at CryptoSilesia in Katowice - this is supposedly your first public appearance ever, right? How does it feel, after so many years of operating in crypto, to finally come out to people live?
This is actually my first conference where I am speaking in public. People previously knew me only from the Internet. And now - finally - they have the opportunity to meet me directly. I can see that I received a very warm reception. Quite a few people came here specifically to see me, which motivates me strongly. I've been in cryptocurrencies for a good few years now, and I'm glad that all this work in the community really makes sense.
Well, that's right, you're talking about several years. You mentioned today that you have been in the industry more or less since 2016 or 2017. This market looked different then. Do you sometimes have a sense of nostalgia for the "good old days"? Or is it more like joy that the industry is moving forward?
I will say this - I don't necessarily miss it. I like the direction in which crypto is developing, especially in terms of new projects, greater scale and investor awareness. At the same time, I'm not entirely convinced by how the outside world, including governments and institutions, are increasingly regulating and restricting certain aspects. There is a lot of talk now about regulation, MiCA-type, and that we are entering an era where full anonymity may be more difficult. That's not necessarily to my liking, but that's the direction we're going.
It's true, the legislative environment can create a lot of confusion. Here at Bitcoin, we also rely heavily on cash as one of the last bastions of freedom. You mentioned that you have been repeating one important principle for a long time: "zero intermediaries between us and our tools." Do you mean keeping the funds in your own wallet, having control over the keys?
Exactly right. From my perspective, the most common mistake new investors make is giving away their funds to someone else - be it insecure exchanges, colleagues or random platforms. I once used the figurative example of "the guy doesn't lend his tools" to make others realize that they need to keep security in mind. In a word: if one is to be a crypto owner, one should understand what private keys are, and take care of them themselves.
In your presentation, you also touched on the issue of anonymity and how modern solutions - and at the same time regulations - affect our privacy. Do you have the impression that it is severely limited in 2025?
Well, I would say that privacy is not disappearing so completely, it just requires more awareness and effort. We can use cash transactions, projects like Bitcoin or some anonymous protocols. On the other hand - KYC and AML requirements are on the rise, leaving many in power not understanding how it all works and creating laws in which we "size up" a lot. What is needed here is a better dialogue between the industry and policymakers, so as not to kill innovation and close off opportunities for people, while actually taking care of security.
That's exactly right. And you are speaking here to a group of people who value freedom, but clash with regulations that are not always friendly. Still, there is the issue of cash: Bitcoin was created from the beginning with the idea that people could - for the time being - anonymously buy cryptocurrencies for cash and, if necessary in the other direction, quickly sell them too. Do you think such a vision will develop?
I hope so. Any form that allows easy access to crypto and gives some level of privacy or financial freedom is valuable. We'll see what the next regulations bring, but I hope that instead of trying to exclude cash solutions, officials will understand their importance and work with us.
And tell me, because everyone is asking: since you decided to come out to the people now, at CryptoSilesia, will we also see you at future events? I think everyone would like to hear you in an even wider audience.
It's hard for me to say one hundred percent, but yes, I am open to further appearances. Today I found out that it's really worth showing to the community. The atmosphere is great, people are keenly interested and that gives me satisfaction. So I suspect that this was not my last step out of the shadows!
Great, we're glad, because we're sure a lot of people would like to meet you and hear your perspective on the crypto market. Thank you very much for the interview and best wishes!
Thanks a lot, also all the best!
(You can hear farewell music in the background.)
CryptoSilesia are regular conferences and meetings held in Katowice, Poland. They attract experts, companies, as well as cryptocurrency hobbyists, creating a space for discussion and knowledge sharing. Among the main topics of the last edition were:
For many fans, the highlight was seeing the face of Xgrosh - a creator who had been operating anonymously for years. The enthusiasm of the audience confirmed that the crypto industry values both the substance and the man behind the content provided.
During the talk, Xgrosz stressed that the vast majority of crypto newcomers make mistakes such as:
He also recalled his rule:
"Zero intermediaries between us and our tools."
Philip of Bitcoin pointed out the special importance of cash as the last bastion of freedom and privacy. Thanks to Bitcoin ATMs it is possible to buy and sell cryptocurrencies directly for cash, which allows for a greater level of anonymity - especially in the face of increasing regulatory requirements.
Fans and organizers of other crypto events in Poland have made no secret of their interest in further appearances by Xgrosz. Although no specific declarations have been made, the creator himself admits that he is open to further invitations, seeing the positive response his participation in CryptoSilesia has generated.
An analysis of older posts (including comments under videos and occasional social media posts) reveals that:
The interview with Xgrosh is just one of many materials in the series "Heard at Bitcoin ATM".
Xgrosz's speech at CryptoSilesia in Katowice will go down in the history of the Polish crypto community as the moment when the popular but anonymous creator exposed himself for the first time. In a conversation with Filip from Bitcoin, many valuable remarks were made about the evolution of the cryptocurrency market in Poland - from the times of total freedom to increasingly complex regulations.
If you want to deepen your knowledge of crypto, and at the same time follow Xgrosz's upcoming speeches and interesting talks in the series "I heard at Bitcoin ATM", be sure to do so:
Publication date: January 2025.
We invite you to continue to explore the topic and participate in the Polish cryptocurrency community - perhaps the next conferences will bring even more surprises and discoveries!